
Vocals, Keyboards, Flute, Alto Flute
Guitar, Percussion Instruments, Dancer

All Styles Of Music For All Occasions
Phone: 201-207-3355
E-mail: lee@leepeterson.biz

Ms. Lee Peterson is a very versatile musical entertainer and has successfully entertained people for many years. With her wide variety of musical instruments and multitude of musical styles to choose from, she can change to suit any audience or any occasion with her musical “treasure chest” of songs, styles and sounds.
With her musical equipment she is able to sound like a “One-woman band” (Complete with bass, drums, guitars, etc.) And with her keyboards, she can emulate a wide variety of sounds (such as organs, woodwinds, percussion, synthesizers, etc.) to sound like a full multi-piece band.
All of these abilities along with her entertaining style, fabulous stage presence and unique style of dancing, make her a perfect entertainer for your special occasion (parties, weddings, etc.) Videos, photos, biography, song list, and references available upon request.